History Embalmed

Egyptian Traditional Beliefs

The Tutankhamun London exhibition includes information, housed in galleries, based on various themes including Egyptian Traditional Beliefs . Comprehensive facts and information on Egyptian Traditional Beliefs can be accessed by our sitemap. But this page details fast facts and info that we hope will 'wet your appetite' for Ancient Egyptian History and the Tutankhamun London Exhibition including Egyptian Traditional Beliefs .

  • Egyptian Traditional Beliefs
  • Interesting facts about King Tut with Key People and Events
  • Fast facts about Tutankhamun
  • Life in Ancient Egypt
  • Interesting Facts and History about King Tut
  • Facts, Information and important people

Egyptian Traditional Beliefs

Fact 1


The religion of the Ancient Egyptians was extremely important to them and touched every aspect of their life.

Fact 2


The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic religion (with many gods).

Fact 3


The Ancient Egyptian Gods numbered nearly 2000.

Fact 4


The Ancient Egyptian Priests evolved a creation myth, or cosmogny, to explain how some of the Gods and Goddesses came into being and the the nature and genesis of the universe

Fact 5


Statues of the Gods - Statues of the Gods and Goddesses were believed in the Ancient Egyptian religion to be living embodiments of the deities. The statues were revered and offered prayers together with physical items such as food and drink. The statues were washed, oiled and adorned with make-up, jewelry and clothes

Fact 6


Divine Kingship - The Egyptian Pharaohs were also believed to be living Gods in the Ancient Egyptian religion

Fact 7


Pharaohs believed that they became gods in the afterlife

Fact 8


The Ennead is the collective name given to the nine original deities (Gods and Goddesses) of the cosmogony of Heliopolis (the birthplace of the Gods) in the creation myths and legends of the Ancient Egyptians.

Fact 9


The Male Gods featured in the Ancient Egyptian Ennead were Geb, Osiris, Seth, Shu

Fact 10


The Goddesses featured in the Ennead were Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Tefnut

Fact 11


Egyptian Gods or Goddesses were often depicted as being part human and part animal.

Fact 12


Only the Pharaoh and the Priests were allowed inside the temple

Fact 13


Egyptian Gods were offered various gifts, which were accepted by the priests who offered prayers on behalf of the donor

Fact 14


Animal Cults - The Egyptians believed that the Spirit of a God resided in specific animals leading to various animal cults in which these animals would be revered and worshipped as reincarnated Gods during their lifetimes.

Egyptian Traditional Beliefs
The Tutankhamun London exhibition includes information, housed in galleries, based on various themes including Egyptian Traditional Beliefs . Comprehensive facts and information on Egyptian Traditional Beliefs can be accessed by our sitemap. But this page details fast facts and info that we hope will 'wet your appetite' for Ancient Egyptian History and the Tutankhamun London Exhibition including Egyptian Traditional Beliefs .

Egyptian Traditional Beliefs
Each section of the King Tut website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about the Golden Age of Pharaohs and of Egypt London Exhibition. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun and the Egyptian Traditional Beliefs .

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