History Embalmed

Queen Tiye

Short Biography, Information & Facts about Queen Tiye, the famous queen of Egypt and wife of the Pharaoh Amenhotep
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Biography, Facts and information about the life of a Pharaoh
The term pharaoh was the title of an ancient Egyptian king who was considered to be a living god and worshipped as a deity. The pharaoh was an absolute ruler of Egypt, both the political and religious leader. 

Short Biography of the life of Queen Tiye
The history, facts and information about Queen Tiye, the chief wife of a famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.

The following biography information provides basic facts about the life of Queen Tiye:

  • Queen Tiye was also known as Tiy, Tey and Teje

  • Egyptian Period / Kingdom: New Kingdom
  • Dynasty: Tiye was queen in the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty
  • Name of Pharaoh husband: Amenhotep III (aka Amenophis) r1389 BC -1351 BC
  • Period as Chief Queen Tiye: r1398 BC – 1338 BC
  • Amenhotep III succeeded by: Akhenaten (first known as Amenhotep) r1351 BC -1337 BC
  • Family
    • Father of Tiye: Her father was Yuya who was an Egyptian nobleman and courtier
    • Mother: Her mother was Tjuyu, an Egyptian noblewoman
      • There is some speculation that the parents of Tiye were also the parents of Ay, although this theory has not been fully substantiated
    • Children: At least 6 children including Akhenaten. Prince Tuthmose, the eldest son of pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and heir to the throne mysteriously disappeared from all records
  • Year of Death: 1338 BC
  • Location of the Burial Site: Valley of the Kings
  • Tomb reference number: KV55
  • Name of Egyptologist who discovered the burial site, or tomb, of Queen Tiye: Re-excavated by Edward Ayrton (1882 - 1914) in 1906/7
  • Biography and accomplishments or why Queen Tiye was famous: She was the chief wife of Amenhotep III and mother of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, grandmother to Tutankhamun. Tiye was held in high esteem by her husband and she is depicted with Amenhotep III in statues, tomb and temple relief's. Shrines and temples were dedicated to her and she was worshipped as a deity in the form of the god Hathor. Queen Tiye held  significant political influence at the royal court and after the death of her husband she acted as an advisor to her son. During the reign of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye the priests of the Temple of Amun at Karnak gained wealth, power and political influence threatening the absolute power and authority of the pharaoh.

The mystery of Prince Thutmose
Prince Tuthmose was the eldest son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and heir to the throne of Egypt. Prince Tuthmose mysteriously disappeared leading to speculation that his story was the basis of fact behind the biblical character Moses. In the story of Moses he is portrayed as being brought up in the royal family but then he is cast out. The name of this prince - Thutmose - is very similar to Moses. Could such a man have influenced his mother Queen Tiye and his brother Akhenaten to change Ancient Egypt from a polytheistic religion, with many gods, to monotheism (the worship of one god)? The radical change to monotheism by Akhenaten certainly curbed the power of the priests of Amun.

Moses, Ramses and Seti

Queen Tiye
Each section of this Ancient Egyptian website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about the Golden Age of Pharaohs and of Queen Tiye. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Ancient Egyptian Kings - their life, family, reign, dynasty, important dates and events and accomplishments.

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