Lord Carnarvon Timeline

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Lord Carnarvon Timeline

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Curse of King Tut

Lord Carnarvon Timeline

Lord Carnarvon Timeline
This Lord Carnarvon Timeline has been developed to provide a 'snapshot' of the famous people and events during this historical time period featuring the Pharaoh Tutankhamun - King Tut. Important dates in a fast, comprehensive, chronological, or date order providing an actual sequence of important past events which were of considerable significance to the famous people involved with the discovery of the Tutankhamun Tomb via the Lord Carnarvon Timeline. The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and its fabulous wealth has made Tutankhamun one of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and why the Lord Carnarvon Timeline is so interesting to everyone interested in the Ancient Egyptian history and the life, and death, of Tutankhamun.

Lord Carnarvon Timeline
(26 June 1866 – 5 April 1923)


Lord Carnarvon Timeline

1325 BCTutankhamun died in the year of 1325 at the age of 18/19. He reigned for just 9 years and the cause of his death still remains a mystery. He was buried in his hastily prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings 70 days after his death, according to the death rituals of the Ancient Egyptians

1133 BCThe entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun is buried with rubble when work is being carried out on the tomb of Ramses VI (r.1141 BC – 1133 BC)

186626 June, 1866 George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert was born to an aristocratic family at the family seat of Highclere Castle, Hampshire, England. He was the son of Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, the 4th Earl of Carnarvon and a descendant of King Edward III and King Henry VII. His mother was Lady Evelyn Stanhope

 George Herbert was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge

1890He succeeded to the Carnarvon title when his father died

On June 26, 1895 Carnarvon married Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra Wombwell

1895June 26, 1895 Lord Carnarvon married Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra Wombwell. They subsequently had a son called Henry George Alfred Marius Victor Francis Herbert and a daughter called Lady Evelyn Herbert

1901Lord Carnarvon suffered a very serious motoring accident in Germany which left him significantly disabled and in poor health

1902He established Highclere Stud to breed thoroughbred racehorses

1905Lord Carnarvon was appointed one of the Stewards at Newbury Racecourse

1907Lord Carnarvon had become a keen amateur archaeologist and in this year was introduced to Howard Carter by Gaston Maspero, the Director-General of the Department of Antiquities at Egypt's Antiquities Service. This meeting started their successful partnership excavating at Thebes in Egypt

1912Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon decided to extend their digging at Thebes to include sites in the Delta

1914Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon receive a licence to dig in the Valley of the Kings from the Egyptian Antiquities Service. Carnarvon acts as the financier

1914Outbreak of World War I which prevented immediate excavations

1917Howard Carter believes the tomb of Tutankhamun lies undiscovered in the Valley of the Kings. Lord Carnarvon agrees to finance his search for the tomb of King Tut

1917 - 1922Howard Carter digs in the Valley of the Kings but is unable to find the tomb. The expenses are mounting

1922Howard Carter visits Highclere Castle and Lord Carnarvon gives him just one more season of funding to find the tomb

19224 November 1922: Carter finds the steps leading to Tutankhamun's tomb and asks Lord Carnarvon to come to Egypt

19225 November 1922: Carter cables Lord Carnarvon: "At last have made a wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations."

192226 November 1922: Carter makes the famous "tiny breach in the top left hand corner" of the tomb doorway accompanied by Lord Carnarvon and his daughter Lady Evelyn Herbert. Carnarvon asks him if he can see anything, Carter replies: "Yes, wonderful things" and goes on to say: "as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold--everywhere the glint of gold."

192227 November 1922: Carter, Lord Carnarvon and Lady Evelyn Herbert explore the Antechamber and Annexe of the tomb. They find a sealed door to another chamber

1922December: The press go into a frenzy about the discovery of the tomb, disturbing the work being conducted at the tomb. 

19239 January 1923: Lord Carnarvon then strikes an exclusive deal with The Times newspaper. Carnarvon had signed a £5,000 contract with the London Times, plus 75 percent of all profits from the sale of Times articles to the rest of the worldOther journalists are furious about the deal, especially Weigall from The Daily Mail.

192316 February 1923: Howard Carter opens the sealed doorway leading to the burial chamber and  the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun

192317 February 1923: The Burial Chamber is officially opened. Under the terms of Lord Carnarvon's agreement with the Egyptian Director-General of Antiquities, if the site contains an intact Pharaoh's tomb its contents have to revert back to the Egyptian Government but Carter and Lord Carnarvon are allowed to continue with excavation.

Howard Carter, argues with key members of the excavation team and some are sacked. He then argues with Lord Carnarvon regarding his attitude and his 'friendship' with Lady Evelyn.

Egyptian nationalists demand that the treasures of the tomb are sold to pay off Egypt’s national debt. Carter and Carnarvon again quarrel about their individual rights of disposal of the treasures. Carnarvon wanted to keep all rights. Carter wanted the contents of the tomb to be kept intact in the Cairo Museum although insisted that Lord Carnarvon should be generously compensated by the Egyptian government.

19235 April 1923: Lord Carnarvon dies in Cairo of pneumonia and septicaemia after nicking a mosquito bite with his cut-throat razor. This sparks speculation by the press about the Curse of the Pharaohs.

1923Lord Carnarvon is buried in a tomb located within an ancient hillfort overlooking his family seat at Beacon Hill, Burghclere, Hampshire.

192412 February 1924: Women are banned from entering the tomb which leads to diplomatic problems with Great Britain and America. Howard Carter writes pamphlet to document interference by authorities and leaves the excavation and locks the tomb. Pierre Lacau, the French Director of Antiquities, demands the keys and Carter refuses to give them up or continue with his work

1925A strange coincidence - When the mummy of Tutankhamun was unwrapped it was found to have a wound on the left cheek. The wound was in the exact same position as the mosquito bite which had led to the death of Lord Carnarvon

1925January: The Ministry of Public Works in Egypt and the widow of Lord Carnarvon come to an agreement and she renounces her claims on Tutankhamun’s tomb. Carter then agrees to resume work at the tomb of King Tut

19392 March 1939: Death of Howard Carter in London - of natural causes at the age of 65. He is buried in Putney Vale Cemetery, London

Lord Carnarvon Timeline

Lord Carnarvon Timeline
Each section of this website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about the Golden Age of Pharaohs and of Egypt. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun and the discovery of his tomb.

Lord Carnarvon Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Lord Carnarvon Timeline - Life, History and Chronology at a glance
  • Timeline, Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the Lord Carnarvon Timeline
  • Useful timeline database of life history via this Lord Carnarvon Timeline containing interesting life chronology of facts & information
  • Fast and accurate life and biography details via Lord Carnarvon Timeline and chronology


Lord Carnarvon Timeline

Lord Carnarvon Timeline - Tutankhamun - Tut - Howard Carter - Lord Carnavon - Timeline - Biography - Facts - History - Info - Information - Life - Famous - Egypt - Tomb - Pharoah - Howard Carter - Curse Lord Carnavon - Timeline - Biography - Tutankhaten - Tutankhamun - Tutankhamen - Tutankhamoon - Tutenkhamun - Tutenkhamen - Tutenkhamoon - Tutankarmun - Tutankamun - Curse - Tutankhaten - Tutankamen - Tutankhamun - Curse of King Tut - Tutankhamun - Tut - Facts - History - Info - Information - Tomb - Life - Famous - Egypt - Tomb - Pharoah - Gold - History - Treasure - Treasures - Lord Carnarvon Timeline - Howard Carter - Lord Carnavon - Timeline - Biography - Tutankhaten - Tutankhamun - Tutankhamen - Tutankhamoon - Tutenkhamun - Tutenkhamen - Howard Carter - Lord Carnavon - Timeline - Biography - Tutenkhamoon - Tutankarmun - Tutankamun - Tutankhaten - Tutankamen - Tutankhamun - Lord Carnarvon Timeline - Written By Linda Alchin